Friday, October 20, 2023

Spring Broken 2

I jumped into her body behind the check-in desk of the hotel where she worked. I couldn't see her reflection, but I could see her tits. Delectable. Looking down was a valley of deep cleavage which entranced my vision for much too long.

Before even a minute had passed, I had yanked my top up to take a look at my new bouncing breasts. They were amazing. Big, round and full, I spent a few seconds staring before I even touched them. And many customers agreed. They stared on as I did, before I was interrupted.
"Camila! What are you doing?" Her boss yelled. Though I was able to register that the words were in Spanish, as they hit my ears I realized that the words were understood perfectly since I had purchased the memories package.

"Just showing off my amazing tits" I responded, using her native language. "Aren't they perfect..." I pushed them up in big handfuls toward my chest, making the excess flesh spill out to the side.

He grabbed me, pulling me away from the front desk and pushing me back to the workers' only area. Before I could get chewed out, I walked away, giggling to myself and hearing his yells echoing in the distance. 

Now that I had ditched her job, I could use her body to live out my spring break fantasy. Running to the womens' locker room, where I knew she kept her things, I threw on a tight bikini which showed off all my new best assets. 

Since this was my one spring break to go out and enjoy myself, I wanted the full experience. Sun, booze, and especially chicks. Hot chicks. 

I started with sun. Going outside, the weather was immaculate, hot, tropical, and the hotel was set right on the beach. Normally, I would burn in minutes, but this olive skin was set to tan. 

Next was booze. Walking up to the hotel bar, I ordered a double Piña Cоlada. The bartender's eyes were fixed downward, on my tits, and he didn't ID me. Wasn't important since this body was well over 21. I took a sip, and the tropical coconut flavor hit my taste buds.

Finally, chicks. Normally, I'd be laughed at when talking to any girls because of my ugly visage and scrawny build. But in this body, and on spring break, I bet I could convince at least one chick to try a lesbian experience south of the border. I saw a white girl, definitely a tourist, hanging with some friends by some umbrellas and chairs.

Not gonna lie, I was drawn in by her massive tits and I felt my pussy leak into my tight bikini as I approached her.

"I love your dress!" I said as I approached her. I dipped into this body's memories to play up the accent, painting myself as exotic and intriguing. She took the bait. We soon were discussing the beauty of the area, then I gave her tips on the best places to visit as a local, then soon I was asking her to come with me to get a drink. One became two, and with a flash of my tits all our drinks became doubles. With alcohol lubricating us both socially, I asked her if she had ever tried anything with a girl. 

"I usually don't, but there's something about you. Plus, it's spring break, and what better time to try new things." She added.

She led me hand in hand toward her room, and before long we were going at it like two wild animals. My full breasts pressed against her larger ones, her soft lips intertwining with mine as we sucked the desire from the other.

My face was a picture of desire as I worked her pussy, using the memories to imagine it as my own and work it expertly. I played her like a fiddle as she pushed closer and closer towards the brink of orgasm. That was, until, the door creaked open. 

"Molly, you in there?" A man's voice asked. She could only respond in a moan. As he rounded the corner, I could only imagine what he thought as he saw a strange woman fingering what seemed to be his girlfriend to the point of orgasm. 

I beckoned him over, while working his GF til she couldn't think anymore, and exploded in orgasm in front of us. While she still recovered, I took him, and unzipped his pants.

eager latina pov

Though I'd never do this normally, this body, and the confidence it bled, just took over. And it felt so good. I worked the man's dick while baring my tits. 

My time was running thin. But before that, I needed some pleasure for myself.
He pounded my pussy, her pussy, my ass, her ass, until I had orgasmed again and again and again. As I built towards a final one, I felt her body pulling away. Before I was pulled back into my own. As I sat in my desk chair, I could almost still feel my stretched pussy and asshole calling for more. Scrambling to get back in, I tried to buy more time, but the site just responded with a popup.

"Insufficient funds"

There was no going back for me. Camila would have to ride this one out on her own. I, for one, had thoroughly enjoyed my Spring Break.


  1. Awesome, your stories are incredible, i love It continúe with More plis

  2. Amazing stories: can you please bring the following story to life? A man comes home to find his wife’s body has been possessed by some neighborhood hoodlums who are stripping her down and using her.

    ReplyDelete Experience 6

Body Description Name: Angelina Tannaro Age: 24 Years Height: 6'4 Weight: 195 pounds Times Possessed: 4 Breast Size: ...