Monday, October 21, 2024

How Far the Rabbit Hole Goes

Same concept as this. And this.

"Dude, you're not gonna believe what happened," said Marcus, his voice excited and out of breath. He'd just burst through the door of my dorm and clearly had something he needed to get off his chest.

"What?" I responded, eyes glued to the TV.

Marcus's tone was so intense, it yanked my gaze away from the screen. "So, I was walking home from the library, right?" he began, his words tumbling out like he couldn't get them out fast enough. "And I saw Anna Collins."

"Who's that?" I asked.

"Only the hottest girl in Chi Omega and very likely this school!" Marcus responded. "Have you been living under a fucking rock!"

He showed me her picture. I hadn't seen her around, but I had to admit she was smoking hot. I definitely didn't get out as much as Marcus.

"Yeah dude. She was walking right next to me, and I decided to shoot my shot. I bumped into her, totally on purpose," Marcus said, a sly grin audible in his voice. "I started talking. But then, she yelled at me. In front of everyone! She called me a tiny dick loser who'd never get a girlfriend, let alone someone like her. She told me I couldn't be seen with her or I'd ruin her "modelling career". All her friends started laughing. It was awful."

"What the fuck, man? That's messed up," I said, mad that my shy friend was punished for trying his luck. "She seems like a bitch."

Marcus's voice grew serious. "But then, this weird homeless guy walked up to me. I guess he saw the whole thing and kinda felt bad for me. He handed me this old key and told me to use it wisely. I had no idea what he was on about until I got home."

Intrigued, I arched an eyebrow. "What did you find?"

"There's a trapdoor in my basement," Marcus said, his voice dropping to a whisper. "I've lived here for years and never knew it was there. It's like it just appeared. Anyway, the key was a perfect fit. It opened it up immediately. I'm not even sure why I thought to try that"

I felt a mix of confusion and curiosity. "What's down there?"

Marcus's excitement was palpable. "It's like nothing you've ever seen before. It's like... it's like a fucking portal to Anna's mind!"

"What? How the hell?" I asked, incredulous. Marcus had always been one to let his mind run wild with crazy ideas. A trapdoor to Anna's mind? That was the kind of shit that only happened in sci-fi movies and messed-up dreams.

"Okay, okay," I said, trying to process. "So, what happens when you go through this... portal?"

Marcus grinned. "It's fucking crazy. No, crazier than crazy. I was literally placed in Anna's body, behind her eyes. I saw what she saw, felt what she felt, heard what she heard. And after awhile, I realized I could influence her actions. I got more and more control, until I was totally her. Like, I could control her, completely.

"Holy shit, are you for real?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "I need some proof man. This sounds amazing... too good to be true even."

Marcus didn't miss a beat. "Let me show you some pictures."

I watched as he texted me a few images. One was of Anna's bedroom, and another was a selfie in her bathroom mirror, her shirt pulled up, showing off her luscious curves and a smug expression that had to be Marcus' doing.

"Is... that you in there?" I asked, trying to put the pieces together in my head.

"You better believe it." Marcus said, grinning.

"What... else did you do inside her body?"

Marcus's tone grew sly. "Well, I had to test it out, right? So, I took a bunch of nude photos, played with her ass a bit, you know I've always been an ass man. It felt so real, dude. And then... I couldn't help myself, you know?"

"You jerked off in her body?" I couldn't keep the amazement out of my voice.

Marcus's chuckle grew into a full-on laugh. "Fuck yeah, I did. Although... it wasn't really jerking anything? But it's like nothing I've ever felt before. It's like... it's like I've been playing a video game with shitty graphics my whole life, jerking off to porn, and suddenly got upgraded to VR with full sensory immersion. It's so... wet, you know? So warm and tight. And the sounds she makes, oh man, they're like nothing you've ever heard."

I couldn't believe it. This was insane. "Alright, let's go check this thing out." I said.

When I arrived, Marcus was waiting at the door, his eyes gleaming intensely. He led me down to the basement, and sure enough, there was the trapdoor, a small, unassuming hatch in the concrete floor that looked like it hadn't been touched in decades.

My heart thumped in my chest as I took the key. The metal felt cold and heavy in my hand, like it was whispering secrets. I inserted it into the lock, and with a click, the trapdoor swung open, revealing a staircase descending into darkness. The air grew thick with anticipation as we both stared at the void.

"You go first," Marcus urged, nudging me forward. 

I waded in, stepping one foot down, shocked to see my foot disappear as it crossed the threshold of the trapdoor. Taking another step, I moved deeper, descending a steep staircase until my body was waist deep.

"What happens when I cross all the way in?" I asked.

"You've gotta see for yourself!" Marcus exclaimed, his voice echoing in the small space. "Just keep going."

With a deep breath, I stepped through the opening. The cold metal of the key hit my palm as I released it, and the door slammed shut with a finality that made me jump. Suddenly, the darkness was absolute, the air thick and suffocating. I heard the muffled sound of Marcus' laughter from the other side.

And then, it happened. I felt myself falling, being pulled deeper into the void. I saw a speck of light down below me, getting larger as I continued to fall. The light was getting larger now, and I got closer, closer, before it engulfed me.

I was no longer in the musty basement. I was... somewhere else. I took in my surroundings. I was sitting criss-cross on a bed in a plush, pink-themed bedroom, the walls adorned with glamour shots of Anna and her sorority sisters. The room smelled faintly of vanilla and coconut, the scent of an expensive candle burning nearby. The bed was perfectly made, clothes neatly hung in closets, and there were glossy fashion magazines scattered on a pristine white desk.

There was a blonde girl laying on the bed. I recognized her as Cassie, one of Anna's friends. She was scrolling through her phone, not looking up. Cassie giggled, not looking up from her phone. "She was a total slut. I mean, Maisy was going up to all these different guys and grinding on them! That kind of behavior is INSANE at a delta chi mixer."

"Tell me about it girl." I felt my body say, outside my control. "I guess when you're an ugly little pig, you have to act like a whore to get guys' attention."

Cassie threw back her head and laughed and I felt my body do the same. I felt anger pool inside of me. She was making fun of this other girl, laughing about it, just like she'd disrespected Marcus earlier. She was pretty on the outside, ugly on the inside. Well, she had someone else on the inside now.

"It's so typical of her kind, flaunting herself like that. I mean, she probably just stuffs herself full of..." I felt my spirit boiling with rage. "SHUT UP" I thought aloud.

"Hm..." Anna's body's lips slapped shut, cut off mid sentence, sound without words all it could muster.

I tried to stand. I felt my body lurch upward, chest first, the head slumping back and lagging behind. I felt hair fly everywhere as my uncoordinated movements lifted us upward. I was able to get a leg out, preventing my fall. 

"Anna, you ok girl?" I heard Cassie ask, picking her head up from her phone finally, staring, concerned. 

Thinking on my feet, I tried to say, "I'm gonna go to the bathroom." But what came out was "I... go... bafroom..." sounding out of place in Anna's voice.

I stumbled into the bathroom, still unsteady on my legs. I stared in the mirror. Whoa. I... I was Anna!

I was shocked. That girl in the mirror... was me! And just as shocked as I was, her eyes open wide in disbelief. Turning my gaze downward, I felt fire light up inside me as I stared face first into a pair of scrumptious breasts. I bit my lip in disbelief... then smirked. 

This body was all mine.

I felt my body lighting up. I was horny as hell, and it was like my senses had been turned up to eleven. Every sensation was heightened, my skin feeling more sensitive than ever. My breasts felt like they were on fire, begging to be touched. I had never felt this way before, and the thrill of it was intoxicating.

I felt the connection to this body growing. Where before, it took all I had to move, I could now move this body nearly like it was my own. The more turned on I got, the more connected I felt to this body as the sensations guided me.

I took a deep breath and strutted out of the bathroom, trying to mimic Anna's confident stride. "Cassie, you gotta go," I said, my voice a perfect imitation of Anna's snooty tone. "I have some... personal things to take care of."

Cassie's eyes widened in surprise. "But we were just about to..."

"OUT," I said, cutting her off with a sharp gesture, using the power of Anna's body to assert myself. "Now," I added with a fake sweetness, "or I'll tell everyone about that time you puked on the frat house lawn."

Cassie's eyes went wide with horror, and she practically sprinted out the door, slamming it shut behind her. I grinned to myself, feeling a perverse sense of satisfaction.

I sauntered back over to the bed, feeling the coolness of the hardwood floor against my bare feet as I went. I laid down, the softness of the comforter enveloping me, and took a moment to appreciate the new form I was in. Then, I began to explore.

I peeled off Anna's tight blue leggings and her lacy thong, tossing them aside with a sense of rebellious satisfaction. Spreading my legs wide, I stared at my new body's pussy, feeling the warmth emanating from it. It was like nothing I had ever seen before, pink and plump, with a glistening sheen that begged for attention.

As I lay there, I felt a strange sensation building up inside me, a hunger that was alien yet undeniable. My hand seemed to have a mind of its own, moving down to stroke the soft folds of flesh. The sensation was electric, sending shockwaves through my entire being. I had never felt anything so intense, so intimate.

"If I had my dick right now, I'd be so fucking hard..." I said aloud in Anna's voice, my thoughts echoing through the empty room. I had to admit, being a girl was pretty cool, especially when you had a body like hers. I mimicked jerking my dick, inside her body. Making her do whatever I wanted, for my pleasure, was so sensual. This bitch deserved it. But I didn't have my dick, and I had to work with what I had. I inserted two fingers into her, feeling the warm embrace of her tightness, and started to rub her clit in slow circles. The feeling was overwhelming, like I was in the cockpit of a spaceship about to blast off into a whole new universe of pleasure.

Gently, I parted the velvety lips of Anna's pussy, revealing the glistening pinkness beneath. The scent of her arousal filled the air, making my head spin. I felt Anna's heart pound in my chest as I explored the velvety folds within.

My curiosity grew into a feverish need to know everything about her, to feel everything she could. I slid my finger deeper, feeling the softness give way to a more firm pressure as I hit a spot that made me gasp. It was like I'd found the holy grail of pleasure, a spot that made her entire body tense and quiver. My clit was throbbing, and I loved calling out her feelings in her own body, her own voice causing my male mind to react, making this female body hornier still, causing a never-ending feedback loop of pure pleasure.

Her body began to respond, hips bucking slightly as I hit just the right spot. I watched in the mirror as her nipples hardened into little pebbles, her breath quickening. She was close, so close. I could feel the tension building in her body, her muscles tightening around my fingers. And then, it happened.

With a gush, she squirted everywhere. The force of her orgasm was like nothing I had ever felt, a deluge that soaked the bed and left me gasping for air. The sensation was unlike anything I had ever experienced, a wet, warm explosion of pleasure that seemed to go on forever. Her body convulsed, her eyes rolled back in her head, and she let out a cry that was part pleasure, part shock.

I watched, amazed, as the fluid sprayed out from her in a glorious arch, soaking the bed sheets below me. It was a sight to behold, a testament to the power of sexual release. And I had been the one to do it. Me, the nerdy guy who had never had a chance with a girl like Anna.

I rummaged through Anna's closet, throwing back on her white jacket and blue leggings. Her panties were soaked, so I went without them. Oops! Her problem. I got dressed, smiling to myself. Nobody could that I'd just had a writhing, squirting explosion of an orgasm. I felt like a goddess, and the idea of walking around her house, her sorority, in her body was like the ultimate power trip.

When I was done, I stepped out into the hallway, still horny as hell and buzzing from the aftershocks of my climax. The house was quiet, and I wondered if anyone had heard. Then, I saw Cassie peeking out from her room, a look of shock on her face. She stared at me, her eyes wide, taking in the flushed cheeks and the smudges of wetness on the bed that were clearly visible from the doorway.

"What the hell happened in here?" she whispered, her voice a mix of horror and fascination.

I smirked, my hands on my hips. "I told you I had personal things to take care of," I said, my voice dripping with a cocky confidence that was pure Anna. "Why don't you go back to scrolling through your pathetic little life on Instagram? Or better yet, go fuck yourself. Like I just did!"

Cassie's face turned beet red, and she stumbled back into her room, slamming the door shut. The sound echoed through the hallway, leaving me feeling like the queen bitch of the castle. The power of having this hot body was intoxicating. I knew I had to keep exploring it, but first, I had to tell Marcus. He had to know what I had just experienced.

I strutted down the stairs, tiptoing on graceful stolen feet like a cat burglar through the silent house. The thrill of walking around in Anna's skin was like nothing I had ever felt before. It was like I was wearing a second skin, only infinitely more attractive and powerful than my own.

As I approached the front door, the cool breeze of the evening hit me, sending a shiver down my spine. But it was a shiver of excitement, not cold. I felt a familiar stirring between my legs, and I knew I needed more. The power of being in this body was like a drug, and I was already addicted.

I stepped out into the night, the sound of my heels echoing in the quiet street. The house was still, a testament to the secret I was about to take with me. I reached into Anna's purse and clicked her keys. Hearing a car respond, I walked over to a white Mercedes and slipped inside.

Starting the engine, I felt a thrill of power surge through me. This was definitely not my usual ride. But as the engine purrred beneath me, I felt something else, something more primal stirring in my core. The intense orgasm had only stoked the fire of my desire, and it was burning hotter than ever. I couldn't help but let my hand drift down to the cameltoe of my leggings.

I rubbed my clit through the fabric, feeling the heat and pressure build once more. It was like I had been granted the power of a sex god, and I was going to use it to the fullest extent. The fabric of the leggings was thin, and I could feel the slickness of my arousal already soaking through. The friction was exquisite, the rasp of the seam sending bolts of pleasure shooting through me with every stroke.

My other hand found its way to my chest, cupping one of Anna's perky breasts and giving it a squeeze. Her nipple was already rock hard, begging to be pinched and played with. I rolled it between my thumb and forefinger, feeling the peak tighten even more. The sensation was overwhelming, and I knew I needed more.

With one hand on the steering wheel and the other working my clit, I sped down the deserted streets, the car's headlights cutting through the darkness like the eyes of a predator on the hunt. The world outside was a blur as I focused solely on the exquisite tension building within me.

Pulling up to Marcus' house, I couldn't resist one final squeeze before I parked the car. The engine purred like a cat in heat as I killed it, the sound echoing through the quiet night. I stepped out, my legs wobbly from the building pleasure that was demanding attention deep inside me.

The door was unlocked, and as I let myself in, I could hear the faint sound of a video game coming from his room. The house was a mess, just like Marcus' life had been before he discovered the trapdoor. But now, with the power of Anna's body at our fingertips, we could change everything.

I sailed down the hallway, hips swaying, feeling like I owned the place. I pushed open the door to find Marcus hunched over his PC, a controller clutched in his hands, eyes glued to the screen. "Mike... is that you?" He looked at me, eyes fixed on Anna's body, completely distracted from the game he'd just been engrossed in.

"You could say that," I smirked, enjoying the look of shock on his face as he took in the sight of me in Anna's skin. "But I've been busy... exploring."

Marcus' eyes narrowed, curiosity getting the better of him. "What do you mean, exploring?"

 I leaned against the doorframe, watching him squirm in his chair. "I've been busy, let's just say."

Marcus' curiosity was piqued. "What do you mean, 'busy'?"

With a wicked grin, I stepped closer to him, my hand tracing the curves of Anna's body that now felt so familiar to me. "Oh, you know," I said, my voice low and seductive, "just seeing how far the rabbit hole goes."

Marcus looked at me with a mix of envy and excitement. "Dude, that's insane. What was it like?"

"Well," I began, drawing out the word as I sauntered closer, enjoying his rapt attention, "I started by playing with her tits, feeling them up like they were the best pair I'd ever had. And let me tell you, they are. They're like fucking heaven in my hands." I watched him swallow hard, his eyes darkening. "Then I slipped a finger down her panties, teasing her clit. She was so wet, it was like her body was begging for it."

Marcus leaned in closer, his eyes glazed over. "Did you masturbate? I hope you felt her orgasm like I did earlier. It's insane!"

"Oh, I did more than that," I whispered, my voice thick with lust. "I didn't just play with her pussy. I made her squirt like a fucking garden hose, Marcus."

Marcus' eyes bulged out of his head. "No way!"

I leaned in closer, a smug grin spreading across Anna's lips. "Way."

Marcus' jaw dropped as he took in my words, his mind racing with the possibilities. "You're kidding, right?"

I replied, a mischievous glint in my eye. "It's like we've got the ultimate cheat code to life, man. We can do whatever we want, and she'll never know. It's like playing god, except she's our own personal puppet."

Marcus's grin grew wider. "You're right, it's fucking amazing. We can make her do the most embarrassing shit, and she'll have no idea it's us pulling the strings. Like, what if we made her walk around school tomorrow with a 'slut' sign taped to her back?"

"Even better," I said, my mind racing, the horniness from before taking over, never having fully subsided. "Let's film a sex tape."

Marcus' eyes lit up with excitement. "A sex tape? That's genius! But... with who?"

"Yeah, and not just any sex tape," I added, "but one where she's begging for it from a guy she despises."

Marcus's eyes sparkled with malicious glee. "Like a complete and total reversal of the social order. That'll teach her to mess with us."

"Exactly," I said, the wheels in my head turning. "So that's why we're going to fuck, right now. Start recording."

Marcus nodded eagerly, setting up his phone on a tripod in the corner of his room. He aimed it at the bed, which we had moved to face the camera. The room was dimly lit, casting a soft glow on Anna's body, which was already laid out in front of us like a banquet of pleasure.

I felt a thrill run down my spine as I looked at Marcus, his eyes hungry as they took in the sight of me in her body. We were about to do something incredibly wrong, and yet, I couldn't help but feel a twisted sense of excitement. This was our secret, our little slice of power in a world that had always looked down on us.

"Take off your pants," I said, staring at the camera, my voice a seductive purr. Marcus didn't need to be told twice. He sprang into action, fumbling with the button of his jeans before finally sliding them down. His cock bobbed out, already hard and ready for action. This girl who'd disrespected him, treated him worse than a piece of gum on the bottom of her shoe was begging for him.

He sat in his gaming chair, dick out and ready for me. I stared at the camera, loving that I was bending Anna's body to my will, that the more I begged for it, the more her reputation would be ruined. I spat and slobbered all over Marcus' dick. I moaned and cried, trying to play it up like some bad porno.

"Oh, Marcus," I whispered in Anna's voice, "Ruin me." I mounted him, feeling his dick slide into me, filling me up. It was a weird but incredibly pleasurable sensation, feeling his cock stretch me out, but it was nothing compared to the joy of watching his face as I looked over my shoulder, the excitement and disbelief as I bounced happily on his dick.

Anna's body was a vessel for our spite, a living, breathing embodiment of our revenge. She was everything I despised: shallow, vain, and cruel. But now, she was at my mercy, a tool for my pleasure and our amusement. I watched Marcus' eyes glaze over as I bounced up and down on his dick, using her body to milk every drop of his hatred and frustration. 

She was the epitome of the entitled sorority bitch, and here she was, being used by Marcus like a whore, when she'd just been bitching about other girls acting like a slut less than an hour ago. With how much her body was responding, making Marcus' cock feel addicting, it was clear she'd been compensating, hating on others to cover the constant horniness she harbored within.

Marcus gripped the chair arms tightly as he pounded into me from behind. The chair squeaked with every thrust, the sound echoing through the room like a symphony of sweet, sweet retribution. Anna's body was tight around him, and I made her moan like a fucking pornstar. The sensations reverberating around this tight frame made it easy, the pleasure begging to pour out of my mouth.

I felt his balls slap against my ass, the heat of his body pressing into me, and I knew he was close. The camera kept rolling, capturing every second of this illicit encounter. "Cum for me, Anna," Marcus groaned, his voice strained with effort. And just like that, I felt the beginnings of my orgasm, the muscles of Anna's pussy tightening around him like a vice.

My eyes squeezed shut as the wave of pleasure washed over me, and in that moment of intense climax, something strange happened. It was like being yanked out of a dream, suddenly and without warning. One second, I was riding Marcus in Anna's body, and the next, I was falling through darkness again.

I landed in a stack of books. I looked up and around. I was in what looked like a backroom of a library. Dusting myself and getting up, I realized I was in the back of my university's library, already closing for the night.

Panic surged through me as I realized what had happened. "Oh, fuck," I murmured, "she's gonna call the cops on us." 

I stumbled out of the library, my mind racing. We'd been so caught up in the thrill of the moment that we hadn't considered the consequences. Anna's body was gonna come to nude in a strange apartment, and she was going to freak.

I burst through the door, panting and frantic. "Marcus! Marcus!" I called out, my voice echoing through the empty hallway.

But it was Anna who greeted me, leaning against the banister with a smug smile. She was stark nude, still glistening from our encounter.


"Not Anna. Marcus. And as thanks for draining my balls earlier, I'm gonna return the favor."


  1. the ending. can you explain it to me? Did Marcus go down the trapdoor and he got kicked out of the body? how did he do that when he was no where near the trapdoor?

    1. Bruh the trapdoor is in Marcus's basement and they were fucking at his house. When narrator got kicked out he got in

    2. oh, I wasn't sure if the room they where in was the basement.

  2. what will happen if Anna goes in the trapdoor or what if someone in anna goes in the trapdoor?


How Far the Rabbit Hole Goes

Same concept as this. And this. "Dude, you're not gonna believe what happened," said Marcus, his voice excited a...