"Oh yes baby! Your cock feels so fucking good. I love you!" Shay exclaimed as I fucked her, smiling, grabbing her own tits, going wild.
"I love you too baby. I'm so glad we met." I said, looking her deep in the eyes. I'd only met her a few months ago, but we were madly in love. The sight of her cute, button nose and doll eyes staring back at me was too much. I felt myself nearing climax, and I pulled out and finished on her chest.
Shay seemed to love it, and that's part of what I loved about her. Ever since we'd met, she was always down to fuck. Even as I came all over her chest, she was smiling, loving the pleasure I was feeling.
We finished and I laid down to cuddle with her. I kept a towel handy near my bed, and I used it to care for her, wiping her down as we laid back.
"That was amazing baby." I said. "Just like always."
"Aw, babe." She responded. "You were too. We fit together so perfect." She said as she snuggled her head up to my neck. I wrapped my hand into hers, feeling so close to her, my fingers lightly scraping the family ring she always wore.
"I think I know what we can do for our three month anniversary." I said, looking at her and smiling. "We can go down to the pier and eat at Visconti's. You know, that seafood place. Your favorite!"
"Babe..." She sat up. She looked at me with concern in her eyes. "I know things have moved so fast. There's... something I wanted to talk about."
Oh no. She was breaking up with me. "What?" I said, gulping, a pit dropping into my stomach.
"Well... more like something I have to show you. Get dressed and get in the car real quick. No questions until we get there."

As we got dressed, I looked over at her and she was so fucking adorable. "I can't lose her." I thought to myself as we got in the car, Shay climbing behind the wheel of her Jeep.
"I have to come clean." She said. Here it came.
She continued. "When we first met, I thought it was only gonna be a fling. I mean, I came up to you and we were in an uber to my place within fifteen minutes!"
I thought back to it. The most beautiful girl at the bar, Shay, came right up to me and said "hey handsome, wanna buy me a drink?" When the bartender wouldn't serve us fast enough, she told me "Fuck waiting. let's get out of here." I called an uber to hers. As soon as we got in the door she was ravenous. She pressed her lips to mine and threw her bra to the floor.
She'd pushed me to the ground, riding me. After erupting in a roaring orgasm, she flipped me over so I could hit it doggy style. I loved how much she loved her tits. She'd grab them any chance she got. Shay was so confident in herself. I did find it weird though when she said: "Oh my God... this body can have multiple orgasms." When I stared at her in confusion, she just grabbed my dick and stared into my eyes, and all my worries melted away.
Shay continued, making a left onto a side street. "I never thought, not in a million years, that... I'd actually fall for you."
So she did still love me!
She put the car into park, before finishing her thought. "That's why I feel like I need to show you this. Come upstairs."
"Baby, where are we?" I wondered as we walked up the steps to a dingy apartment. She fiddled with the keys, which clicked and gave, before we walked in.
The apartment was dingy inside too. There was an old couch it looked like someone had picked up off Facebook Marketplace, and a few posters of football and baseball teams on the walls.
"This... is my place." She said.
"But you live in the Willston! You know, the high rise downtown?" I said, coming up to her and taking her hands, rubbing them back and forth, over the fingers.
"This is my real place." Shay stepped away from me. "No matter what happens, you have to promise not to freak out."
"Of course I won't, Shay." I said, readying myself for the breakup.
She reached up to her hand, to her ring, which she'd told me was an heirloom from her grandma and she never took off. But now, she looked up to me, stared me in the eyes, and slid it off her right ring finger.
Instantly, I saw something change in my peripheral vision.
I looked over, seeing a balding, slightly overweight man in his fifties sitting on the couch. He wore a wife beater tank top, which had definitely seen better days.
"Uhh... how did you get here." I said, looking at the man. Shay was standing there, glossy eyed, shaking her head quickly from side to side before stopping.
"Look. This is the real me. The person you know as Shay, that's..."
"Where am I?" Shay started.
I stepped over to her. "Babe, you brought us here." I reached to take her hand, but she slipped out and stepped back.
"Who are you? Don't touch me!" She said, clearly alarmed.
What was going on? Why was my Shay acting like she didn't love me?! This man definitely had something to do with it. "You better explain this shit right now!" I yelled, staring at him.
Shay took off running towards the door.
"Shit." He said. I saw him take something, a ring, and slip it on his finger. Instantly, he vanished.
Shay froze, one hand on the door handle. She walked up to me, hugging me and laying her head on my chest, which rose and fell with my rapid breaths.
"Shhh. Baby. I'm back. Shay's back."
"What just happened baby?" I said, reeling in disbelief from what I'd just seen. She stepped away and crossed her arms.

"That was the real me." Shay said, looking up at me with doe eyes. "Even though I never thought it could be... I've fallen for you and I had to come clean."
"You're... a guy? That guy? But how?" I said.
"Let me show you." She said. "I'm gonna take my ring off again. When I do, come over and take it from me, the real me. Then, put it on as fast as you can."
"Three... two... one..." She slipped off the ring. Instantly the man appeared. "Put it on!" He said, holding out the ring for me.
I took it, staring at it for a split second. It was gold, and on the inside, the name "Shay" was scrawled.
"What's going on!" Shay said. She looked around frantically. "Put on the ring babe!" The man said, his deep voice reverberating throughout the room.
I slipped on the ring. Then, my perspective shifted. I was staring at the man, only I was five feet closer to the door. I felt lower now, like I was looking at the room from below where my head was.
"How does it feel?" The man said.
"How does wha..." I cut myself off. My voice!
I looked down. Tits! On my chest! Not any tits. Shay's tits!
I held out my hands, looking at the shorter, stubbier fingers. On my finger was Shay's ring, her family ring. The same one the man had handed me.
"How do you like my body, babe?" The man said to me.
"It's... so weird hearing you call this your body." He gestured for me to sit down on the couch.
"This body, the one you're wearing, her name really is Shay." The man continued. "She was my stepdaughter. A spoiled brat of a girl. Just like her mom."
I started rubbing up and down my smooth legs. The body I'd fallen so deeply in love with, I was inside of. I felt my insides warm as I listened to the man.
"One day, her personality changed. She started acting grateful. Doing the dishes. Waking up for school on time, and actually staying there instead of cutting class. But she also started talking, well, a lot like my grandma."
The man continued. "Shay's body told me one evening that she was, in fact, my grandma. She told me we had a family heirloom, passed down hundreds of years. It's a ring, and allows the wearer to take possession of one body, only the body the ring is tied to. My grandma had no idea how to change the body it's linked to, but told me that she'd been told that our ancestors change its target every few decades when necessary to preserve our bloodline."
I was too busy feeling up my new body.
"My grandma gave the ring to me. She said she saw how my life didn't have direction. A second chance at life, as Shay. That's what she told me."
I was in love with myself. I wanted to be close to my girlfriend when we cuddled. So close that I wanted to be in her, inside her. Now I was. Her beautiful, sexy body was mine. The inner warmth kept growing, until a heat and rush went to my forehead and blurred my vision. I started looking up and down the man across from me.

"You really like it in there, huh." The man said, staring at me. I nodded.
"Let me show you what I learned about her body."
The man helped me out of my clothes. We kissed. It was odd, my baby was there and I wasn't. Her body was there, just not pressing against me. I closed my eyes and grabbed my own tit as I kissed the man, pretending it was Shay whose lips were against mine.
He pushed me onto my back, unbuttoning my pants and pulling them off. Kneeling down, he pressed his lips against my pussy. His licks spread my wetness all around me and showed me how wet I was. I was turned on by Shay's body, inside her body. The way his tongue moved was incredible, like he knew exactly where and how to touch.
The little licks were perfect, and so were my hands on my tits. I heard Shay's whimpers leave my mouth, which turned me on more and more. I moaned higher, louder, until I snapped. I pushed my head up towards the man's tongue, who never stopped his assault on my clit. My hands flew back and I grabbed the bedsheets, then releasing, reaching for anything, finding my tits.
"Baby. Give me the ring." The man said. When I didn't reply, a hand started fumbling with mine. I felt a tug, then I saw myself standing up, off the couch. The orgasmic haze had followed me, but was clearing rapidly. The man was there, then gone again as he slipped on the ring.
Instantly my baby Shay was ready and willing again. She had her ass in the air, displaying it proudly. "Babyyyy. I need you in me sooo bad." She moaned at me. I ran to her, dropping my pants and filling her. I pumped back and forth, enjoying the feeling that I'd come to love over the past three months.
Before long, she shook. "Ohhhh... your dick is perfect for me baby." She cried. "It makes my little pussy cum so easy."
She fell onto the bed. "Baby. Put your finger up to mine." Shay said, holding her ring finger until it touched the tip of my finger. In one motion, she shoved the ring from her finger to mine. Then, it was back on her finger, which was now my finger.
The man walked over and flipped me onto my back. He pounded me. Shay's tits were so easy for me to grab when they were on my chest and I took advantage. Shay's pussy was sopping, and each thump against my ass sent the pleasure to new heights.
With a final squeal, I came. My pussy pulsed and gripped, and I could tell the man was feeling the intense sensations. It was then his turn to grunt. His dick twitched, and I could feel him emptying himself inside me.
I came down from the high only slowly, but then felt the man put his fingertip to mine. He slid the ring, and suddenly I was staring at Shay. She smiled and opened her arms, gesturing for me to come to her. I did, laying my head on her chest.
"I'm so glad we met, baby." She said to me.
I sighed. Everything was right with the world.
Things were finally back to normal.